About Words Sounds Images Sources -- Vol.I



every platesplatesplatesplatesplates article is open-ended ----- if you have something to contribute, please send us an email with the appropriate subject header ----- every contributor will be credited in our contributions section regardless of whether their work is chosen or not ----- each article has at least two editors who will compile the texts into a singular form ----- we will try to give feedback to everyone who sends us an email (we will definitely reply!)



[work in progress] ----- do lyrics hinder or enhance the listening experience ----- how do you transcribe abstract vocals ----- does punctuation exist in music ----- how do you sound a bracket ----- ?

original words by ----- Joseph Bradley Hill ----- Biba Cole ----- Thomas Dervan ----- & ----- Kiran Leonard
original images by ----- Kiran Leonard ----- & ----- Isobel Neviazsky
featuring words by ----- The Beastie Boys ----- Lewis Carroll ----- Dr. Seuss ----- Eminem ----- Elizabeth Fraser ----- John Milton ----- Edwin Morgan ----- Mark Twain ----- & ----- Sylvia Wright
featuring sounds by ----- Buena Vista Social Club ----- Bulgarian Television and Radio Folklore Ensemble ----- & ----- Cocteau Twins
edited by ----- Joseph Bradley Hill ----- & ----- Hannah Machover

you can submit any thoughts or responses to this piece via our open submission form with the title "Alphabetical Processions" in the multiple choice section.

-----> XXXXX

[work in progress] ----- xxxxx ----- xxxxx

words by ----- xxxxx ----- xxxxx -----
contributions by ----- xxxxx -----
images by ----- xxxxx -----

you can submit any thoughts or responses to this piece via our open submission form with the title "Alphabetical Processions" in the multiple choice section.


reviews that work simultaneously parallel and perpendicular to the material ----- at least three people will review a piece, with no single person's opinion being championed -----

if you have a review that you would like to send, please email platesx5@gmail.com with the subject header "Review" ----- if chosen, we will also find two others to write about it


----- what is the most legible language?

----- In Japanese, か or ka or no are used to indicate a question, and you must physically say it in the sentence to get your point across full stop For example colon
    彼女はそこにいます。 = she is there.
   彼女はそこにいますか? = is she there?
      Restructuring our sentences is more efficient question mark

----- if our lowercase letters were derived from our uppercase letters why do we still have uppercase letters? they are much harder to write because of the imposing geometric roman measurements ----- try and write in capital letters really fast ----- arabic doesn't have capital letters, each letter is cut depending on where it fits in the word

© platesplatesplatesplatesplates & the rabbit, the fish and the hand 2021